Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Defensive Roman Strategy Guide #3


After 8 to 10 days

During the 8th to 10th day you should be able to reach the first turning point in the game: All your fields have reached L3. You now have a solid resource production of about 60/60/60/40 per hour, and now it is time to take a small break. Upgrading fields to L4 is relatively expensive and the 7 extra resources you get from doing are not much of a reward, so we need a boost to get past L3 quickly. We’re finally going to build buildings and get military! Upgrade your main building to L3, build a rally point and a barracks. Also, if you are sometimes away from Travian for more than 9
hours, you will want to build a warehouse to store your resources. And if you want to join an alliance (which I strongly recommend as raiders will be much less likely to attack an alliance member), you have to build an embassy. And finally, a marketplace will come in handy, as it allows you to trade away excess resources for stuff you need.

When your barracks are built, train about 4-6 legionnaires. These are the basic roman troops, and they are good for both offence and defence. For now, we will use them to raid our inactive neighbours. You will see 5 Travian Defensive Roman Strategy Guide that some people in your neighbourhood are not growing at all, often even staying at size 2. These can be raided for resources. For the next few days, raid these people as often as you can until they are empty, but make sure you don’t attack people who are your size or who you suspect to have any military. You don’t want to lose those precious legionnaires or make enemies. Legionnaires start making a profit only after 12 successful raids, and therefore you have to keep them alive for at least that long. So, be careful!

You might be attacked in this period. If you are, make sure to have a big enough cranny, but don’t keep your troops at home unless they greatly outnumber the enemy. And communicate! Politely ask the attacker to stop and tell him you will start defensive troops and upgrade your cranny to make sure he won’t make profit out of you. But do this in a nice and positive manner, and don’t make it personal. And read the what to do when being farmed guide on the forums for more details.

Don’t neglect your growth though. As soon as the buildings and troops are in, start working towards your next interim goal: all fields at L6. Keep raiding inactives, expanding your target range when those inactives closest to you are empty. In the meanwhile, you don’t need any new buildings except for the granary to store your ever increasing crop production. And upgrade your warehouse and granary as you grow. Also gradually expand your military force, as this becomes ever cheaper while you grow. When you have all your fields at L6, you will want to have a force of about 30 legionnaires, more if you have threatening neighbours.

3 to 4 weeks

After approximately 3-4 weeks of play in total, you should reach the point where all fields are at L6, assuming you did not have major trouble with attackers. At this point, we will take another short break. The upgrade to L7 is again very expensive compared to the gains you get from it, so income can use another boost. Also, by now some of your neighbours will become dangerous and since legionnaires are not the best defenders, your defence needs to be reorganized.

Upgrade your barracks to L3 and build an academy, and upgrade it to L5. Build an armory, a blacksmith and upgrade the blacksmith to L3. Build stables L1. In the meanwhile, research in your academy the praetorian, imperian and equites legatis as they become available. Also train about 30 praetorians or more depending on the amount of aggressive neighbours you have, and 30 imperians or less if you have few attractive targets. Train 3 legates. And build a mill! Don’t build the mill earlier, this is the point where a L1 mill starts making you a profit. Wait with the L2 mill for a while. You will probably also want to expand your market a bit to get more merchants.

Legates can be used for scouting. This means you can now see whether all those neighbours you never dared to attack have defence! Use them to scout around, and then visit the undefended neighbours with your legionnaires and imperians. Keep the praetorians at home, they are your defenders.

This will have kept you from growing a few days, and therefore it’s high time to return to growth. Over the next 4 weeks, expand your fields to L10. Make sure to keep improving your defence, as you are now becoming an attractive target for the big fish out there. I would suggest having 100 of either defence unit at L10 at least. Your offence probably does not need a big boost, as those 30 imperians and legionnaires are enough to raid the inactives and players without defence in your neighbourhood. However, if you feel you need more capacity, expand your offence a little bit. But don’t fall into the trap of raiding people with large armies! We are only raiding for profit and quick returns, we won’t switch to full offensive power just yet...

While growing, you may want to upgrade your stables to L5 and research equites imperatoris. These are not particularly strong, but they are fast, and if you build 10 of them you might be able to expand your raiding range considerably, being able to target more inactives and undefended players. However, the costs are considerable and I would not suggest doing this before all your fields are at L7 or L8, and it may not be the effort at all. I at least am too lazy to spend much time on raiding people for relatively little profit, and raiding with imperians keeps me occupied enough already.

When all your fields are at L8, there is a nice trick to speed up your growth somewhat. When your clay, wood and iron fields reach L10 you are able to build production enhancing buildings for these resources. These function much like a mill, but unlike the mill the first levels of these buildings come at almost no cost compared to the cost of field upgrades. Therefore, the best strategy is to upgrade a clay field to L9 and immediately to L10 before doing anything else. This allows you to build the brickworks. Do so, and immediately upgrade it to L4. This will give you a 17 percent higher return on investment than upgrading an equivalent amount of clay fields to L9. Use the same trick for wood (which will be faster as this upgrade mainly consumes a lot of clay) and iron, and only then return to upgrading the rest of the fields to L9 and L10. This should save you a couple of days.

In principle, the L4 and L5 upgrade are so expensive that they only become profitable when all your fields are L10. However, when you have a mill L5 and a wheat field L10, you can build a bakery, which is very lucrative. By doing the maths I have shown that it is actually worth it to build a L5 mill and a L4 bakery as soon as you have 1 L10 crop field (and 5 L9 fields), but the investment costs are about 120k resources in total. This may be too much at this stage, although you do get over 35% higher return
on investment.

To keep this guide simple to understand, I refer those interested in the maths to my post about the subject in this thread: http://forum.travian.com/viewtopic.php?t=2843

8 to 10 weeks

At L10 this guide ends. There are a number of things you will want to do now:
• Build new villages and expand them using the huge production of your primary village;
• Start raiding active, well-defended players with a huge army;
• Upgrade buidings, research catapults, build a few and start harrassing other players, possibly fighting in alliance wars;
• Take revenge on those silly Teutons with a big force but no production capacity of their own by fighting a war of attrition.

But whatever you do, have fun with your full-grown village and complacently lean back while people start asking you how you possibly can grow this fast. Enjoy the full options this game gives you once you’ve taken the effort to get the income to use them all!

Defensive Roman Strategy Guide #2


This walkthrough is not a step-by-step description of every action you must take. It just tells you what your goals should be at each stage and what you must concentrate upon. Please feel free to follow it to the point where your own opinion and playing style starts to deviate from the one I advocate here, and be creative and adaptive. No two villages are alike. Thefore there is no best strategy, and I sure don’t claim to have it. Nevertheless, this walkthrough follows the principles and guidelines I outlined here, and therefore I think this is a good way to go for a defensive player. I know from experience that you will be able to grow faster than the vast majority of players if you follow it.

In this walkthrough, I will assume you play on a server that has about 7 to 9 days of protection for new players. If you have more protection, you might want to move military training a bit to the back and instead continue working on your fields a little longer.

Day 0

So, you just started! As you will see, you start off with a lot of resources, but with very little production per hour and with an almost empty village. Do you feel the temptation already to do something about it? I’m sure you do. However, you must resist. This guide is not for those without self-restraint, so think long-term.

Our long term goal is to get your production up as quickly as possible, all your fields to L10, in the time span of about 8-10 weeks, while also producing a sufficiently strong defensive force and a modest raiding force. All fields at L10 is where this guide will end: at that point you can easily found a second and even a third village, or you can build a strong military and switch to offensive strategies. Anyway, when you have played for 2 months you don’t need a beginners strategy guide anymore.

Now, we touch upon a very important aspect of Travian: Whenever you upgrade a field of wood, clay or iron, your production of those resources will increase, but your crop production will decrease! Similarly, whenever you build or upgrade a building, and whenever you build military,
your crop production will decrease. This may not seem too bad, but you need crop to upgrade or build those fields, buildings and military, so you always need to have sufficient crop production. You won’t be the first person to end up with no crop and no crop production, making it impossible
to upgrade crop fields to increase your production... You don’t want that. Therefore, watch your crop production carefully. Whenever crop production lags behind, be sure to upgrade crop fields!

As we are trying to boost economy, we will spend our resources mainly on boosting resource production by upgrading resource production fields. If we check the total costs of upgrading all fields, we’ll see that we need clay the most, followed by wood, followed by iron, and we need crop least. For fastest growth, the ratio between wood:clay:iron:crop production should be something like 10:12:8:6. This means you should try to always produce the most clay, then wood, then iron, and finally crop. Crop production should be about half that of clay, sometimes more but never less!

If you maintain this ratio, you will be able to grow slightly faster than people who upgrade an equal amount of every field. You will notice that if you just build whatever field you can build first at any time (so if it takes 4 hours of resource production before you can upgrade clay, 3 before you can upgrade wood, 3 for crop, and 2 for iron, build iron as soon as you can), you will automatically approach the ratio above. Travian plus can really help you here (you can buy it at the website for a small fee, which gives you certain user interface benefits and also helps the people behind Travian to support the game and keep it banner free), as it shows how much time you have to wait before you can upgrade each of your fields.

Also, never have more than 1 level difference between fields of the same kind. For example, never upgrade a wood L5 field to L6 if you still have L4 wood fields. Instead, upgrade your L4 wood fields to L5 first before starting on L6. This because the return on investment, the gains you get from an upgraded field versus the costs upgrading that field cost you, become ever lower at higher levels. There is one exception to this rule: Because of the high crop costs of L1 fields, directly upgrading clay, wood and iron (but not crop) fields from L1 to L2 and L3 before starting on a new L1 field results in slightly faster growth, however the maximum time gain you get from doing this is less than 6 percent. So I’d say don’t bother, unless you really want the best performance.

Still with me? Told you you’d need patience, but now we can start playing. Use the resources you got at the start to upgrade your fields, starting with clay. You will notice that you can only upgrade 1 field at a time and that it takes a while before the field is built. Just hang on to your resources for a while, don’t spend them on buildings, and upgrade the next field when the first is finished. If you have Travian plus, you can put one field in the building queue to ensure the upgrade starts as soon as the previous one is finished.

In this way, upgrade your fields (sticking to the ratio I gave before) until your resources are all spent. As upgrading fields uses more of the other resources than crop and you start off with an equal amount of each resource, you can afford to produce slightly less crop than you would according to the ratio, until you use all the stored crop. However, only do this if you are confident you will be able to upgrade crop production in time and not end up with 0 crop! When your resources reach 0, just wait until you’ve produced them again, and spend all resources you gain as soon as you can.

During the first 7 or more days you cannot be attacked. Therefore, there is no need to do anything about defence during these days. However, as the 7th day approaches, you will want to start spending time and resources on defence!

There’s two ways you can defend yourself: one is limiting the amount of resources attackers can take, the other is producing defence to deter or kill attackers. At this moment in time, you don’t have enough resource production to start building sufficient defence. However, crannies are cheap and efficient! Crannies protect resources from being stolen. So build a cranny and upgrade it to L3 or 4. It will not protect all your resources, but attackers will not gain much from attacking you.

Contributor : Lulus

Defensive Roman Strategy Guide #1


This guide will explain to you the basics of turning your village into an economical
powerhouse, and it will teach you how to defend your resources
effectively and with minimal expenses. If you want to be a heavy attacker
who leaves behind a series of burning villages right from the start of the
game, this is not the guide for you, although you may find it beneficial
to read it anyway - even heavy attackers will need some economy. However,
if you don’t mind biding your time and staying relatively low-profile
for about 2 months before happily and easily grinding those nasty heavy
attackers into the dust, please read on.

Also note that in my opinion, a defensive strategy does not mean you
shouldn’t attack. It just means that attacking serves the higher purpose of
maintaining a high growth rate and does not become a goal in itself, and
that economy is the most important goal.

I will try to cover all the fundamental principles, and explain these with
examples. I will also spend some time on the psychological and interactive
aspects of playing a game like travian. After the theoretical part, I will give
a walkthrough for the first 2 months of the game.

Why Romans?

Romans have expensive and slow units, why would I want them? A good
question, and this guide could be used without too much trouble by a gaul,
and even by a teuton (although the teuton will have better strategies available).
But the good thing about romans is that their units, while expensive,
are the most powerful in the game. No other race can match the raw power
of roman infantry, not even with cavalry. Praetorians and Imperians are
the best specialists in the game, and legionnaires are among the best generalists.
At the start, training costs really hurt since at that moment these
costs are the limiting factor for military size. Later in the game it is space
efficiency that counts, meaning attack/defence power per unit of crop produced.
And that is where Romans shine. Therefore our strategy will be
targeted towards reaching this point as quickly as possible by putting a lot
of effort into building a strong economy and keeping military and other
expenses low during development.


Have patience
When you start playing, you will quickly notice that Travian is a slowpaced
game at the start and that it takes you weeks or months to get any-where. Therefore, the first principle is: have patience! Even though development
may seem slow at times, keep the longer-term goals in mind and
you will notice you are getting ever closer to them.

Set goals
That immediately introduces the second principle: Work towards longterm
goals and don’t let events (such as attacks on you) carry you away
from them. Instead, deal with these diversions and then immediately return
to your long-term goals.

Maintain exponential growth
The third principle of this strategy is: maintain exponential growth. This
means you continuously have to invest your resources in such a way that
they increase your growth rate. This means you will grow ever faster and
faster, allowing you to eventually catch up and pass people who initially
may seem to grow faster.

Don’t get into conflicts
You are not out there alone, and people (especially children in web games)
are less reserved than in real life. Many players around you will be immature
and react emotionally and with verbal violence to your actions, or
derive enjoyment from acting bad. Some will even go to great lengths, hampering
their own growth, just to annoy you, others will abuse you if you
give them half the opportunity. The most dangerous (and the rarest) will
try to play psychological games with you.

You cannot avoid this, but you can do a great deal to stay out of trouble.
Make friends, join an alliance, and be polite but firm. Never give in to
threats, harassment or extortion, but don’t provoke people by being smug,
defiant or triumphant. Be firm, rational and calm, don’t hesitate to call bluff
and never, never, react to insults or do anything that might insult people
yourself. Don’t get into pissing contests about who has the most allies. And
stay away from the few really big and organized alliances.

And finally, don’t offend people with your actions. Sure, you can attack
them, but don’t do it ten times a day, and politely react to messages asking
you to stop without promising to and then breaking your promises. Be
honest and open that you will attack them again if they dont defend themselves.
They will still hate you, but they will be less likely to invest a lot of
time and effort in destroying you.

In short, don’t do anything that will get you dragged into long-lasting
and potentially growth limiting conflicts.


Based on these principles, we can now formulate guidelines:
1. Most important: invest resources into production fields;
2. Only build buildings when you can easily afford them in terms of
hourly production;
3. Only build buildings when doing so will make you grow faster;
4. Build a minimal defence that is just big enough to make raiding you
5. Build offence to raid inactives and undefended actives only.

Contributor : Lulus

Friday, August 15, 2008

Questmaster Walkthrough

Welcome to Travian Questmastering!

To help out newbies, Travian offers beginners quests. At the 19th quest you get to choose your path in accordance to how you want to play the game. Below are the rundown of the quest journey so you can expect what you can do next in advance.

The Questmaster said : "As I see you have been made senator of this little village. I will be your counselor for the first few days and never leave your (right) side."
To the first quest! --- Look around on your own

Quest 1: Woodcutter

„Yes, that way you gain more wood.”

Your Reward : Finished Woodcutter Instantly

Quest 2: Wheat

„Now your subjects are hungry from working all day. Extend a Wheat Field to improve your subjects' supply. Come back here once the building is complete.”
„Very good. Now your subjects have enough to eat again...”

Your reward: 1 Day Travian Plus

Quest 3: Your village's name

„Creative as you are, you can grant your village the ultimate name.
Click on 'Profile' on the left hand menu and then select 'Change profile'...”
„Wow, what a great name for your village. Could have been my idea!”

Your reward: Wood 30, Clay 60, Iron 30, Wheat 20

Quest 4: Other players

„In Travian you play along with billions of other players. Click 'Statistics' from the menu at the top of your screen to look up your rank and enter it here:”
„Exactly! That's your rank.”

Your reward: Wood 40, Clay 30, Iron 20, Wheat 30

Quest 5: Two Building Orders

„Build an Iron Mine and a Clay Pit. You can never have enough Iron and Clay.
Thanks to the Plus-Account I gave to you a short while ago, you can give both orders right away.”
Order: (A) Extend one Iron Mine (B) Extend one Clay Pit
„As you noticed, building orders take rather long. The world of Travian will continue to spin even if you are offline. Even in a few months there will be many new things for your to discover.
The best thing to do is occasionally checking your village and giving you subjects new tasks to do.”

Your reward: Wood 50, Clay 60, Iron 30, Wheat 30

Quest 6: Messages

„You can talk to other players using the messaging system. I sent a message to you. Read it and come back here.
Don't forget: on the left side is the reports, on the right side is the messages.”
Order: Read your new message.
„You received it? Very good.
Here is some gold. With gold you can do several things, e.g. extend your Plus Account or increase your resource production. To do so, click Travian Plus from the left hand menu.”

Your reward: 20 Gold

Quest 7: Neighbors

„Around you there are many different villages. One of them is named [random player].
Click 'Map' on the menu at the top of your screen and look for that village. The name of your neighbors' villages can be seen once you hover your mouse over any of them.”
Order: Look for the coordinates of [random player] and enter them here.
„Yes, that's where [random player] is located! Now you will get as many resources as this village has available (and unprotected by a Cranny).”

Your reward: Wood 60, Clay 30, Iron 40, Wheat 90

Quest 8: Huge Army

„Now I've got a very special quest for you. I am hungry. Give me 200 wheat!
In return, I will try to organize a huge army to protect your village.”
Order: Send 200 wheat to the Questmaster
„Mmm, delicious. Thank you very much for this generous meal. Now I will take care of the promised army. This might take a few hours though.”

Your reward: Huge army (Just a rat, A Single RAT for 200 wheat, Ouch!)

Quest 9: One each!

„In Travian there is always something to do! While you are waiting for your new army, extend one additional Woodcutter, Clay Pit, Iron Mine and Wheat Field to level 1.”
Order: Extend one more resource tile each to level 1.
„Very good, your resource production is thriving now.
Soon we can start to construct buildings in the village.”

Your reward: Wood 100 Clay 80 Iron 40 Wheat 40

Quest 10: Coming Soon!

„Now there is time for a small break until the gigantic army I sent you arrives.
Until then you can explore the map or extend a few resource tiles.”

Quest 11: Reports

„Every time something important happens to your account you will receive a report. You can see these by clicking on the left half of the 5th button (from left to right). Read the report and come back here.”
Order: Read your latest report
„Yes, exactly. This was the correct report!”

Your reward: Wood 75 Clay 140 Iron 40 Wheat 230

Quest 12: Everything to 1!

„Now we should increase your resource production a bit. Extend all your resource tiles to level 1.”
Order: Extend all resource tiles to level 1.
„Very good, your resource production is thriving.
Soon we can start with constructing buildings in the village.”

Your reward: Wood 75 Clay 80 Iron 30 Wheat 50

Quest 13: Dove of Peace

„The first days after signing up you are protected from attacks by your fellow players. You can see how long this protection lasts by adding the code [#0] to your profile.”
Order: Write the code [#0] into your profile.
„Well done! Now everyone can see what a great warrior you are.”

Your reward: Wood 120 Clay 200 Iron 140 Wheat 100

Quest 14: Cranny

„It's time to construct a Cranny. The world of Travian is a dangerous place.
Many players survive by stealing other players' resources. Build a Cranny to hide and protect at least part of your resources from enemy attacks.”
„Well done, now it will be much harder for your fellow players to plunder your village.
If under attack, your villagers will hide the resources in the Cranny all on their own.”

Your reward: Wood 150 Clay 180 Iron 30 Wheat 130

Quest 15: To two!

„In Travian there is always something to do! Extend one Woodcutter, one Clay Pit, one Iron Mine and one Wheat Field to level 2 each.”
Order: Extend one resource tile each to level 2.
„Very good, your village grows and thrives!”

Your reward: Wood 60 Clay 50 Iron 40 Wheat 30

Quest 16: Instructions

„In the In-game Instructions you can find short information texts about different buildings and types of units.
Click 'Instructions' on the left and look up how much wood the Barracks cost.” (210)
„Exactly! The Barracks cost 210 wood.”

Your reward: Wood 50 Clay 30 Iron 60 Wheat 20

Quest 17: Main Building

„Your master builders need a Main Building level 3 to construct important buildings such as the Marketplace and Barracks”
„Well done. The Main Building level 3 has been completed.
With this upgrade, your master builders cannot only construct more types of buildings, but will also do so faster.”

Your reward: Wood 75 Clay 75 Iron 40 Wheat 40

Quest 18: Advanced!

„Look up your rank in the player statistics again and enjoy your progress.”
„Well done! That's your current rank.”

Your reward: Wood 100 Clay 90 Iron 100 Wheat 60

Quest 19: Weapons or Dough

„Now you have to make a decision: Either trade peacefully or become a dreaded warrior.
For the Marketplace you need a Granary, for the Barracks you need a Rally Point.”

Quest 19: Military

„A brave decision. To be able to send troops, you need a Rally Point.
The Rally Point can only be built on a specific building site. The building site is located on the right side of the Main Building, slightly below it. The building site itself is curved in shape.”
„Your Rally Point has been constructed! A good move towards world domination!”

Your reward: Wood 80 Clay 90 Iron 60 Wheat 40

Quest 19: Economy

„Trade & Economy was your choice. Golden times await you for sure!”
„Well done! With the Granary you can store more wheat.”

Your reward: Wood 80 Clay 90 Iron 60 Wheat 40

Quest 20: Barracks [M]

„Now you have a Main Building level 3 and a Rally Point. That means that all prerequisites for building a Barracks have been fulfilled.

In the Barracks you can train troops for fighting.”
„Well done... The best instructors from the entire country have been gathered to train your men to fight in top form.”

Your reward: Wood 70 Clay 100 Iron 90 Wheat 100

Quest 20: Warehouse [E]

„Not only wheat has to be saved. Other resources can go to waste as well if they are not stored correctly. Construct a Warehouse!”
„Well done, your Warehouse is complete...
Now you have fulfilled all prerequisites required to construct a Marketplace.”

Your reward: Wood 70 Clay 120 Iron 90 Wheat 50

Quest 21: Train! [M]

„Now that you have a Barracks, you can start training troops. Train two Template:Basic foot soldier type”
„The foundation for your glorious army has been laid. Before seeing your army off to plunder, you should check the combat simulator to see how many troops you need to successfully fight enemy units.”

Your reward: Wood 300 Clay 320 Iron 360 Wheat 570

Quest 21: Marketplace [E]

„Construct a Marketplace so you can trade with your fellow players.”
„The Marketplace has been completed. Now you can make offers of your own and accept foreign offers! When creating your own offers, you should think about offering what other players need most to get more profit.”

Your reward: Wood 200 Clay 200 Iron 700 Wheat 450

Quest 22: Everything to 2!

„Now it's time again to extend the cornerstones of might and wealth! This time level 1 is not enough... it will take a while, but in the end it will be worth it. Extend all your resource tiles to level 2!”
„Congratulations! Your village grows and thrives...
You finished your last quest and to congratulate you, the citizens of Travian are holding a feast in your honor. Now you have to continue on your own.
As a parting present I will give you some gold for you to spend at your leisure. You can use it to increase your production or extend your Plus Account. Have fun with it!
You have beginner's protection until [the time remaining of beginners protection] if expired the quest reads "Anyone can attack you now".”

Your reward: 15 Gold ***

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Travian Tribes

You can choose between three tribes in Travian, Romans, Gauls and Teutons. Each tribe has got its own advantages and disadvantages and their troop types are very different, too. So it is important to choose the tribe that fits to you perfect.

The Romans

Roman Troop - Travian Tribes - http://traviania.blogspot.com/
Roman Troop

The Roman empire is the tribe in Travian which is most easily played by beginners. Because of its high level of social and technological development the Romans are masters at building and its coordination, and their troops are part of the elite in Travian.

They are very balanced and useful in attacks and also in defending. To guarantee this variety the Roman troops are trained very long and their training is expensive. Their infantry is a living legend, but their defense against enemy cavalry isn't as good as that of the other tribes.

For beginners and those players, who don't know exactly what they want to play, the Romans are the ideal choice.

The differences:

* Can raise or extend a building and resource field simultaneously.
* High Defense-bonus due to the city wall
* Merchants can carry 500 units of resources (speed: 16 fields/hour)
* Very powerful infantry, average cavalry
* Development is expensive and takes a long time.

The Gauls

Gauls Troop - Travian Tribes - http://traviania.blogspot.com/
Gauls troop
The Gauls are the most peaceful of all three tribes in Travian. Their troops are trained for an excellent defense, but their ability to attack can still compete with the other two tribes. The Gauls are born riders, their horses are famous for their speed which allows their riders to hit the enemy exactly where they can cause the most damage and swiftly take care of their confused enemies.

This tribe is very easy to defend, but an aggressive tactic is possible, too. It gives you the opportunity to develop into any possible strategic direction (defensive or aggressive, lone wolf or reliable helper, merchant or plunderer, infantry or cavalry, settler or conqueror), but you need a bit of experience and talent. Nevertheless also a tribe for beginners

The differences:

* Speed bonus: Fastest troops in the game
* Average defense-bonus because of the palisade
* Merchants can carry 750 units of resources (speed: 24 fields/hour)
* Cranny is twice as big
* Expensive siege weapons
* Cheap settlers
* Additional building: Trapper

The Teutons

Teuton Troop - Travian Tribes - http://traviania.blogspot.com/
Teuton troop

The Teutons are the most aggressive tribe. Their troops are notorious and feared for their rage and frenzy when they attack. They move around as a plundering horde, not even afraid of death.

But they lack the military discipline of the Gauls or Romans, which causes their weaknesses in speed and defense. For aggressive and experienced players the Teutons are an excellent choice!

The differences:

* Plunder bonus: the cranny of enemies only hides 2/3 of its content.
* The earth wall is almost indestructible, but only gives a minimal defense bonus
* Merchants can carry 1000 units of resources (speed: 12 fields/hour)
* Very cheap and fast trained troops which are excellent plunderers
* Weak defense

The Natars

The Natars are a pure NPC tribe and thus cannot be played by oneself

The construction times in the Natarian villages are half of that of a normal village (only applies to Natarian villages implemented after the 28.11.07).

The time has come

Now that the days shorten and the nights become colder the people in Travian realize that the end of this age is near. The fading stories of glorious battles and pompous buildings of past ages were everything that would remained it seems. But the people decided that this should not be the way this age should end. A wonder should be build, a building of infinite greatness and power. This wonder of the world shall unite the inhabitants of Travian. Sadly, however, the knowledge about the glorious wonders of the world was now lost - taken into graves by now long dead ancestors. Just before the people lost all their hope, fate guided their attention to the ancient tribe of the Natars. That tribe which already outlasted many ages and bloody battles might still own some of the construction plans needed for the wonders of the world but an eerie and eldritch sensation seemed emanate from them and it shouldn't take long until....

The tale of the Natars

Once upon a time, long before the Romans invaded Travian the now free tribes of Gauls and Teutons were enslaved by the Natars. The Natars were a very peculiar tribe which would have been long forgotten, if it hadn't been for the tales still being told by wet nurses and old crones.

The Natars once ruled over all of Travian and in all their power and cruelty they had an all-embracing knowledge about the elemental forces which would never be surpassed. Only little is known about this tribe, only a single eyewitness' report survived the past ages. This report description of a "Golden City" tells whoever bothers to read it about a glorious temple located in the center of the city , a wonder of the world of indescribable greatness and power. Also one says that there are secret and arcane places where these temples can be erected. Places where the wisdom and knowledge of the Natars might be found to once again enslave Travian.

The Natar's plan

However, the Natars have plans of their own and want to enslave the free tribes themselves by constructing a wonder of the world. But whoever erects a wonder of the world in their stead will achieve the ultimate goal of uniting Travian in a world of peace and unison.

In the end one will see whether the free people of Travian are able to fulfill this daring and glorious deed. The stories of the future, will they be about the valiant alliances or the eldritch Natars? ***

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Introducing Travian

What is Travian?

Travian Logo Travian is a German browser-based game developed by Travian Games GmbH that is largely based on a predecessor game called Tribal Wars. In 2006, the game was ranked first in the "best browser-based game with over 10,000 players" category of the German website Travian Games. The game's developers drew roughly from Classical antiquity and particularly from the Roman Empire to create a predominantly militaristic real-time strategy. Along with two English versions, and the original German version, the game has been translated into 30 other languages[2][3], and today has just over 3 million players and over 150 servers worldwide.[4] It is programmed in PHP and runs in the browser. It was the first game of its type to be playable through a mobile phone, using a java platform.

The Game

The player starts as a leader of a small village with two people. The village has one building, which is the main building, and around the village lie 18 fields each providing one of the resources: iron, crop (or wheat), clay, and lumber. Troops can be produced once a player has built a barracks and a rally point. More troops are available after the player has built an academy where troops are researched. These troops can either be used to attack villages, often in order to steal or raid resources, or to defend against Teuton, Roman or Gaul troops attacking. Once the player has fulfilled certain criteria, they can found other villages or conquer those of an enemy with a tribal leader.

The aim of the game is to increase population and to control as many villages as possible. After a certain amount of time, further buildings and concepts are introduced, namely the introduction of the wonders of the world. The game ends when a player has finished constructing the world wonder to level 100 in a Natar village.

Each player when joining an alliance earns points for raiding (thieving), attacking, and defending. These points make up an appropriate ranking system, and also promote the alliance one is in.

There are four tribes of which only three are available to players, the Romans, the Gauls, and the Teutons. Each has their own characteristics. The Romans have a balanced set of attributes, the Gauls being weighted for defensive, and the Teutons geared towards an aggressive style of play. However, the actual style always comes down to the player. Romans also have a production bonus, which allows them to build or upgrade one building and one resource field at a time. The fourth tribe, the Natars, are computer controlled, the Natars enjoy many benefits normal tribes don't but only come into the game as part of the end game sequence.


To have a second village, a palace or residence level 10 and 2000 cultural points (500 for 3x speed servers) are needed. To obtain a subsequent village, a progressively increasing number of culture points are needed. They are gained by almost all buildings other than the World Wonder. The higher the building level is, the higher the culture points it produces each day. Culture points can be seen in palaces or residences. After a palace or residence reaches level 10, three Settlers or a tribal leader (Senator/Chief/Chieftain) can be trained.

The 3 Settlers will travel to an empty spot on the map and settle a new village for the realm. Settlers need minimum resources of 750 of each type.

A tribal leader has the ability to conquer another player's village as long as it is not a capital. By speaking to the village's people, the Administrator can lower the allegiance of another player's villagers. After attacking roughly five times with a tribal leader, the village will fall to the attacker's realm. The village's loyalty will not be lowered during a raid.


The game is heavily geared towards cooperative play. In fact the only likely way to win the game is through cooperation with an alliance. It's nearly impossible for single players to win, but an alliance can win together. Resources can be traded between players, and towns can be reinforced with another player's troops. An in-game alliance feature is also available, providing the main catalyst for strategic play within Travian; players join and fight together for mutual benefit. Within an alliance, players can view attack and defense information for all alliance members, and also benefit from improved communication tools such as mass alliance-wide in-game messages. Because the maximum number of members in an alliance is 60, 'wings' tend to form as an alliance develops. Being a wing entails having multiple sub-alliances, often with similar names, acting as one alliance. Wings may not fight and destroy each other due to the friendly fire rules. Towards the end of a round, different alliances often join together, resulting in larger coalitions (meta alliances) - other diplomatic agreements include Non Aggression Pacts.

End Game

Each Travian server ends with the "end game" sequence. For normal servers it begins after about 300 days, and for speed (3x) servers it begins after about 100 days. After this time has elapsed the Natars, a race controlled by the computer, are released. As the players on the server begin to build the World Wonders that they have to capture from the Natars, and meet resistance. The Naters will, every 5 levels of the Wonder being built, attack the villages with wonders until level 95 when they will then attack every new level. The first alliance that builds their World Wonder to level 100 wins the server, which stops and restarts.

Developer : Travian Games GmbH
Engine : PHP
Version : 3.0 and/or higher
Platform : Interpreted script; platform independent
Release date : 2004
Genre : Real-Time Strategy
System requirements : Web Browser, Internet
Input methods : Keyboard, mouse

Welcome to Traviania

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Welcome to Traviania
This site is all about Travian.

I create this one because I am one of the thousands players through out the world.

Please note that this game is very addictive!