This walkthrough is not a step-by-step description of every action you must take. It just tells you what your goals should be at each stage and what you must concentrate upon. Please feel free to follow it to the point where your own opinion and playing style starts to deviate from the one I advocate here, and be creative and adaptive. No two villages are alike. Thefore there is no best strategy, and I sure don’t claim to have it. Nevertheless, this walkthrough follows the principles and guidelines I outlined here, and therefore I think this is a good way to go for a defensive player. I know from experience that you will be able to grow faster than the vast majority of players if you follow it.
In this walkthrough, I will assume you play on a server that has about 7 to 9 days of protection for new players. If you have more protection, you might want to move military training a bit to the back and instead continue working on your fields a little longer.
Day 0
So, you just started! As you will see, you start off with a lot of resources, but with very little production per hour and with an almost empty village. Do you feel the temptation already to do something about it? I’m sure you do. However, you must resist. This guide is not for those without self-restraint, so think long-term.
Our long term goal is to get your production up as quickly as possible, all your fields to L10, in the time span of about 8-10 weeks, while also producing a sufficiently strong defensive force and a modest raiding force. All fields at L10 is where this guide will end: at that point you can easily found a second and even a third village, or you can build a strong military and switch to offensive strategies. Anyway, when you have played for 2 months you don’t need a beginners strategy guide anymore.
Now, we touch upon a very important aspect of Travian: Whenever you upgrade a field of wood, clay or iron, your production of those resources will increase, but your crop production will decrease! Similarly, whenever you build or upgrade a building, and whenever you build military,
your crop production will decrease. This may not seem too bad, but you need crop to upgrade or build those fields, buildings and military, so you always need to have sufficient crop production. You won’t be the first person to end up with no crop and no crop production, making it impossible
to upgrade crop fields to increase your production... You don’t want that. Therefore, watch your crop production carefully. Whenever crop production lags behind, be sure to upgrade crop fields!
As we are trying to boost economy, we will spend our resources mainly on boosting resource production by upgrading resource production fields. If we check the total costs of upgrading all fields, we’ll see that we need clay the most, followed by wood, followed by iron, and we need crop least. For fastest growth, the ratio between wood:clay:iron:crop production should be something like 10:12:8:6. This means you should try to always produce the most clay, then wood, then iron, and finally crop. Crop production should be about half that of clay, sometimes more but never less!
If you maintain this ratio, you will be able to grow slightly faster than people who upgrade an equal amount of every field. You will notice that if you just build whatever field you can build first at any time (so if it takes 4 hours of resource production before you can upgrade clay, 3 before you can upgrade wood, 3 for crop, and 2 for iron, build iron as soon as you can), you will automatically approach the ratio above. Travian plus can really help you here (you can buy it at the website for a small fee, which gives you certain user interface benefits and also helps the people behind Travian to support the game and keep it banner free), as it shows how much time you have to wait before you can upgrade each of your fields.
Also, never have more than 1 level difference between fields of the same kind. For example, never upgrade a wood L5 field to L6 if you still have L4 wood fields. Instead, upgrade your L4 wood fields to L5 first before starting on L6. This because the return on investment, the gains you get from an upgraded field versus the costs upgrading that field cost you, become ever lower at higher levels. There is one exception to this rule: Because of the high crop costs of L1 fields, directly upgrading clay, wood and iron (but not crop) fields from L1 to L2 and L3 before starting on a new L1 field results in slightly faster growth, however the maximum time gain you get from doing this is less than 6 percent. So I’d say don’t bother, unless you really want the best performance.
Still with me? Told you you’d need patience, but now we can start playing. Use the resources you got at the start to upgrade your fields, starting with clay. You will notice that you can only upgrade 1 field at a time and that it takes a while before the field is built. Just hang on to your resources for a while, don’t spend them on buildings, and upgrade the next field when the first is finished. If you have Travian plus, you can put one field in the building queue to ensure the upgrade starts as soon as the previous one is finished.
In this way, upgrade your fields (sticking to the ratio I gave before) until your resources are all spent. As upgrading fields uses more of the other resources than crop and you start off with an equal amount of each resource, you can afford to produce slightly less crop than you would according to the ratio, until you use all the stored crop. However, only do this if you are confident you will be able to upgrade crop production in time and not end up with 0 crop! When your resources reach 0, just wait until you’ve produced them again, and spend all resources you gain as soon as you can.
During the first 7 or more days you cannot be attacked. Therefore, there is no need to do anything about defence during these days. However, as the 7th day approaches, you will want to start spending time and resources on defence!
There’s two ways you can defend yourself: one is limiting the amount of resources attackers can take, the other is producing defence to deter or kill attackers. At this moment in time, you don’t have enough resource production to start building sufficient defence. However, crannies are cheap and efficient! Crannies protect resources from being stolen. So build a cranny and upgrade it to L3 or 4. It will not protect all your resources, but attackers will not gain much from attacking you.
Contributor : Lulus
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